What's new in Keka HR? - Visually stunning: Butter-smooth, intuitive user experience, dark mode and multiple theme support - Keka is a human resource management tool that automates basic payroll, HR and employee management tasks to make sure teams can be more efficient. Everything still feels familiar, yet everything is different. Als Keka is now faster, lighter and easier to use, providing consistent user experience across all the platforms. Just drop the files you want to compress to the Keka icon in the Dock or the main window. Divide files and protect them with a password is now a kids game. With Keka you can compress as many files as you want in a bunch of formats. Keka is a full featured file archiver, as easy as it can be.
#Kevvu keka song video for mac
Keka tries to be the easiest and quickest archiver for Mac
#Kevvu keka song video mac osx
Keka is a Mac OSX GUI for p7zip (7-zip/7zip port), Unrar and Unace.
Also Keka can extract lots of compressed files, from. Keka is a full featured file archiver, as easy as it can be.Simply download and extract it, move it to the desktop and then open it. Keka needs a helper to set itself as the default application. Set Keka as the default extraction application.